• It takes a bee about 30,000 trip to get 1 kilo of honey
  • Bees can fly up to 5 kilometres looking for nectar to make honey
  • Honey is the natural sweet substance produced by honey bees from the nectar of plants
  • The colour of honey varies from nearly colourless to dark brown.
  • The flavour and aroma vary, but are derived from the plant origin.
  • Honey can have nothing added to it and still be classified as honey.
  • Honey contains antioxidants
  • One antioxidant called "pinocembrin" is only found in honey
  • Honey Has Potential as Dietary Antioxidant


Beekeeping Industry Web Sites - from around the World

Australian Honey Bee Industry Council
Information about the Australian Beekeeping Industry
National Honey Board of the USA
The official site of the USA Honey Industry, with information about Honey, Honey Recipes, Honey & Health
UK Honey Industry
The official site of the UK Honey Industry

Honey and Health Web Sites

The Hibernation Diet
Information on a diet book published January 2006 – featuring honey as an essential component. The authors, a pharmacist and a sports nutritionist in the UK, advocate taking honey before bedtime to optimise weight loss while you sleep. The book is based on the principles they have researched about the need to fuel the liver and that the most effective fat-burning occurs during the recovery period (while we’re resting) and not during exercise.

Honey - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Information about Honey, it’s formation, Composition, Types of honey, Honey in history, culture and folklore, Modern use of honey

Bees in Science

Scientists Publish Analysis of Honey Bee Genome
“ Finding that its genome is more similar to humans than any insect sequenced thus far”

Research Discovers Oldest Bee, Key to Evolution of Flowering Plants
A 100-million-year-old specimen preserved in almost lifelike form in amber and an important link to help explain the rapid expansion of flowering plants during that distant period.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Beehive (beekeeping)
Western honey bee
Information about the Honey Bee, Geographic distribution, Biology, life cycle
Beekeeping, Hazards to honey bee survival, Trivia
Honey bee life cycle
Bee learning and communication
Honey bees learn and communicate in order to find food sources and for other means.
List of plants pollinated by bees
Swarming (honey bee)